If a full-grown corn snake some how got out of it's cage could it kill my cat? - kill a rat for snake food
I know it sounds like the wrong question, but I'm serious. I read that constrictor and can kill the rats. My cats are small. I do not go to a snake, so tha will be a problem. I am very serious.
A corn snake is no danger, something in his house, with the exception of wild mice. Cats can attack the snake, the concern for their safety more than cats. I suggest a good receiver, and you have this problem.
if s hungry, try to find a way to find sad
A corn snake, or even try to mess with a cat. Damage your cat to the corn snake, you need to worry.
May bite your cat, but I doubt that life could be a threat, I would be more worried about your snake! The cats are nervous, they can easily dart behind his snake, the snake can be very addictive claws tearing.
To fight the cat and the snake. I had a number of years could chat about a snake at all. He hated it. My brother, after stating that a snake, put on his back and he drove.
Yur put cats in a room where the snake can not learn,
Of greater concern is whether or not harm the cat, snake!
i dont think so, but not sure whether the
if ur worried that to obtain, or cause can not leave that
I doubt very much corn snake could eat a cat is a cat who was very low
I want a snake, if I had cats. Why do you still want a snake ... Uggh ...
Uh, yes! that they bite and is
a) cause an infection
bleed b)
c) strangle
Why does a snake loose in the house at all?
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